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Are you looking to expand your own interests or professional development opportunities? If so, consider attending one of the upcoming seminars. 


You'll have the chance to learn from Sonya who has been in their respective field since 2016 and pick up tips and advice that you can apply to your own life!


 Take advantage of this unique opportunity for growth and advancement today!

Upcoming Seminars

C-Section Scars and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Women's Health Seminar

Zoom Online* - October 15 2023 


Every year, millions of women undergo cesarean sections (c-sections) to safely deliver their babies. While this procedure is crucial in ensuring the well-being of both mother and child, it also comes with potential risks and complications. One such complication is pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a range of issues that can arise from weakened or damaged muscles, ligaments and connective tissues in the pelvic region. These muscles play a crucial role in supporting organs such as the bladder, uterus and bowels, and help control bladder and bowel movements. The incision made during a c-section can disrupt the normal functioning of these muscles, leading to pelvic floor dysfunction. This can result in various symptoms such as urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and even prolapse. In this seminar, we will delve deeper into the connection between c-section scars and pelvic floor dysfunction, discussing the potential causes, symptoms and treatment options. We will also explore how these issues can affect a woman's overall health and quality of life, and provide tips on prevention and management.  We hope you'll join us for this informative session on c-section scars and pelvic floor dysfunction for women's health.  

Registration is $10 and can be e-transferred to A Zoom link will be sent to afterwards!

Previous Seminars

RMTAO Education Conference - Understanding Pain

Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre June 3 2023


Sonya Romanowski is set to speak at the RMTAO conference. She will present a seminar about Treatment for Individuals with Low Back Pain and Caesarean Scars – information that registered massage therapists can use to help their patients manage chronic pain. Sonya has been practicing massage therapy since 2016 and osteopathy since 2020, and is passionate about providing quality care for her clients. Through her seminar, she will share her knowledge and experience with those in attendance, so they can better understand how to treat patients who have caesarean scars and low back pain. Her talk promises to be informative and practical, offering insights into the latest manual therapy techniques and home exercise programming. With her unique insights and expertise on the treatment of chronic pain, attendees are sure to benefit from Sonya’s presentation at the RMTAO conference.

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